Things that only an EXTROVERTED INTROVERT would understand

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Things that only an EXTROVERTED INTROVERT would understand

Being an extroverted introvert is like having the wittiest personality living inside a silent person.

We always say things differently than the things inside our heads.

And if you are someone like me, who cannot keep anything inside, then nothing can save you.

Here are some of the things that only an EXTROVERTED INTROVERT would understand:

  1. We can easily catch up with strangers, but that small talk irritates us a lot.
  2. We become instantly silent if the company seems to be full of the wrong people. (But we will spill the tea in front of our best friends. And that doesn’t count.)
  3. There will be times when we want to be a PARTY ANIMAL, and times, when we want to, be UNATTENDED.
  4. We are always lost inside the depth of our minds.
  5. Hmmmmmmm! We listen with great concern.
  6. Deep and meaningful conversations are all we crave most.
  7. WE ARE SOCIAL, but only with the “real ones”.
  8. We do feel conflicted when it comes to going out at times.

Should I add something else too?