Best place to visit in Japan 2023 (the only list you need)

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Best place to visit in Japan 2023 (the only list you need)

Are you an anime fan as well? Or do you find bullet trains to be more fascinating? Have you seen them in ‘The Wolverine’ movie? Perhaps the sushi is what has you on cloud nine with joy. Well, there are so many things like high-tech, cultural heritage, and festivals that make Japan so renowned.

Other than that, Japan has capsule hotels, or should we say sci-fi-style pods. Consider that for a moment. You are literally sitting in a small compartment with your leg near the built-in TV, a charger adapter near your right hand, lights that you can turn off at will, and a button that will make a robot provide you with meals in a few minutes.

Doesn’t it sound like a fantasy? Or maybe a spaceship from the future. The fun part, it actually takes 15 dollars a day. Compared with the average 150 dollars we pay in the U.S., that’s basically nothing. 

Keep reading till the very end as I am going to take you on a virtual tour of Japanese most jaw-dropping places.

1.      Tokyo:

Credit: Unsplash

Did you know that Tokyo was named one of the best cities in the world this year? I mean, just think about it. It has the most Michelin stars in the entire world when it comes to food. It has automated trains that aren’t even a second late. And the evening view of this city, with its buildings gleaming in bullion light against a black-orange contrast sky, appears otherworldly. What else do you demand?

Since Tokyo was forced to close for more than two years, it finally opened for travel on October 11. On average you will need to spend 145 dollars per day on your vacation in Tokyo

Now let’s pack our bags for this trip.

Start by immersing yourself in the culture and heading to the Meiji Shrine (may·jee shrine). Being built between 1915 and 1926, this place is dedicated to the Emperor and his wife. Its instructions not only convey a sense of the culture, but they also sing of World War 2’s devastation. This location, which sits on 175 acres of evergreen woodland, is well-known for its “wishing tree.”

It is stated that you can buy a wooden block for $5 from the person sitting there, write your wishes on it, and hang it there, it may come true.

How about we take you to a garden that blends English scenery, Japanese cherry blossoms, and French formal design?

That is the appearance of the Shinjuku Gyoen (shuhn·joo·koo ɡajown) National Garden. It was built between the 17th and 19th centuries and is one of the most beautiful places for you to visit because 1500 trees are waiting to provide you with the chilliest feeling. This place was created to promote modern agriculture in Japan. Talking about farming, did you know that kids in Japanese schools actually grow their lunch food in the surrounding land? They even clean their own classroom. Japan is undeniably promoting some excellent habits.

Okay, enough with the food; let’s move on to the shopping trip.

Since Ginza (gin·zuh) is essentially where four historic highways connecting the country’s largest cities intersect, you must visit it. It sounds more like a utopia because it is a shopper’s paradise and has the most astounding quality of food, clothing, and other goods. You must keep some space free when going to Japan for filling your bags with these.

Fortunately, this area offers a theatre named Kabuki-za (kuh·boo·kee -zah) for viewing traditional dances and Kabuki plays.

Let’s see what there is left for us to discover right now. Since we are in Tokyo; why not take you to see the tallest tower in the world?

This 634-meter-tall Tokyo Skytree, which opened in 2012, is well-known for its expansive views from its observation booths. You might even be able to view the 1958-built Tokyo Tower from there. Given that Justin Bieber and Kendall Jenner spent the last month in Tokyo for a lavish birthday celebration for Hailey Bieber, this sounds like a great place to meet celebs. When you go there, you might run into someone. Which celebrity do you want to bump into?

Last but not least, be sure to check out the Tein(tayne) Teahouse, which was built in the 17th century and features Sukiya Zukuri (Su-kiya Dzukuri) architecture. You’ll adore the picturesque wooden homes and winding, narrow streets in this region.

You might find people wearing silk kimonos very often on the street.

Is it just me, or does it seem like you just went back in time?

2.      Kyoto:

Credit: Unsplash

Typically, when we imagine what Japan may look like, we see a blue mountain against an orange sky with Ninjas training for the battles and whatnot.

If you want, you can try to learn about those fancy fist fights from the nearby Koka(ko-ka) Ninja Village.

You will need 77 dollars per day on average to visit Kyoto.

This location is just magnificent for that generation—old craft businesses can be found almost everywhere, making it one of the most beloved destinations for tourists. You can easily find someone here building that Origami (ORR-I-GAA-MEE) or pear folding crafts here. Cool, Right?

It is renowned for being the nation’s cultural center and is home to more than a thousand Buddha temples. Furthermore, Kyoto is home to 17 UNESCO World Heritage Sites. This area, which has more than 400 Shinto (shin-toh) shrines, sings ancient legends on every street corner.

You may have gotten a peek of this location if you watched “Bullet Trains” or maybe the film “Lost in Translation.”

Do you know that, according to the manuscripts and legends, this location was chosen specifically for its fire-breathing dragons in the Northeast? Even the clouds on the hill are expected to be puffs coming from the dragon’s nostrils. But that isn’t the only legend here. According to folklore, it is surrounded by a tiger in the west, phoenix in the south, and a massive black turtle in the north.

If you do find a Shenron (Shh-en-ron) dragon while visiting here, you might get any three wishes fulfilled.

Moving to the next, start your hike at the “Fushimi Inari(fu-shimi ee·naa·ree) Shrine” location by passing through the Torii (taw-ree-ee) gates. As you move through it, you’ll see hundreds of stones fixed with trips to temples.

Do you know what this fox imitates, by the way? A tiny clue; it’s not what you saw in the Teen Wolf web series.

It is considered the messenger of Inari (ee·naa·ree), which is the Shinto(Shin-toh) god of rice.

A stroll in this area takes around an hour and a half.

One more piece of advice: Try to visit at 6 or 7 a.m. because this location is frequently busy with people. However, if you enjoy a thrill and some spooky feeling, what could be better than going to this place after 8 o’clock in the evening?

Next, when visiting these places, you can also, if you’d like, rent kimonos(ki-moh-noh). Let’s head over to Southern Higashiyama (hee-gah-shee-yah-muh), which has been the street with the utmost preservation for generations.

The streets here remain lit by paper lanterns and tall wooden houses like the centuries-old customs. That is Japan’s stunning beauty.

Ishibei(is-hyoo-bay) Koji(Koh-jee) Lane is a no-photography zone, so be careful not to inadvertently cause trouble by snapping photographs there.


3.      Osaka:

Credit: Unsplash

This is Japan’s next-generation city, which is situated around 35 miles southwest of Kyoto. The cuisine is mouthwatering here. You must try pancake-like okonomiyaki(okonomiya-k-i) here.

It is made of meat, batter, and cabbage depending on your preference. Consider the taste of a pan-fried dish with smoky, sweet, spicy, with the aroma of pickled ginger all rolling on your tongue at the same time. You can’t quit licking your fingers after tasting it.

On an average, you might need to spend 76 dollars per day to visit this place.

Visit the Dontobori (daw-tuhn-baw-ree) district in this country if you want to observe how much of an impact technology has had on it. The Glico(guriko) Sign has been seen on the backs of tourists who are enamored with taking pictures of it. Well, with the reflective streets, the place gives the vibe of an amusement park.

Ebisu(e-bi-su) Bashi(bae-shiy) must be another location if you’re interested in the back of the Dontonori (daw-tuhn-baw-ree) river. You may even wander beside the river and make incredible TikToks. Let’s return to Dotonori’s (daw-tuhn-baw-ree) adage, “eat ’till you drop.” I like the enormous 3D signs in this area, feature a huge hand clutching a sushi roll.

When in this area, you can then spend 15 minutes at the uniquely shaped Ferris, which is located in the Ebisu (e-bi-su) Tower. Your heart will beat faster as a result of excitement when you watch the world from such a high altitude.  

You must now go to the Osaka(ow-saa-kuh)-based Universal Studios theme park. Do you know that this location had 11 million visitors in its first year of operation? It’s like the entire population of Paris came to visit this place.

This location ranked as the fifth-most popular theme park in the nation in 2019 after Tokyo Disney Sea and Disneyland. Everything about this place screams “FUN”, especially the references to Harry Potter, the Christmas tree, and even the Minion Ice Cream.

Have you seen the images of the enormous lion’s head opening its jaws to the ground? That much sums up Namba Yasaka Jinja(nam-ba ya-saka jin-juh). According to visitor reports, this is the final amazing thing you want to see in person in your entire life. Do you know that if you pass through his mouth, it will swallow the evil spirit and grant you good fortune? Many students and employees come here to clear their ‘bad karma’.

The Osaka(uh-saa-kuh) Science Museum is the next stop. This structure, which is situated between the Tysabri (t-a-sabri) and Dojima(do-jima) rivers, was constructed thanks to a 6.5-billion-yen donation from Kansai(kan-zai) Electronics.

You’ll be surprised to learn that this museum opened its doors in 1937, which is even before the war. The most engaging science exhibit features tempo, which performs the real science demonstration several times each day.


4.      Hiroshima:

Credit: Unsplash

In 1945, the first atomic bomb attack took place at this place. With the completion of the UNESCO-certified bomb, memorials, monuments, and even temples, the area now appears a thousand times better than it did before. Even now 1 percent of people are still having illnesses that were caused by radiation.

It is renowned for its stunning waterfalls and caverns. In addition to that, there are an unfathomable number of paintings in the ‘Museum of Art’ here.

You may need on average 90 dollars per day to visit Hiroshima.

This location is the ideal tour through the time capsule of the Roman republic, fauvism, and post-impressionism with works preserved by both Japanese and European artists.

Many paintings by Pablo Picasso and even Vincent Van Gogh can be found here.

Now, if you’d like to spend some time in nature, you must go to Hiroshima’s Shukkeipen(shukkei-en) garden, which was established in 1620 on the ASANO Nagaakira(asa-no na-gaa-kira) ‘s orders. It is worthwhile to see those beautiful ponds with traditional Japanese tea shops on the shore. It is said to have a different set of flowers blooming in different seasons.

Despite its diminutive size, this location offers views of mountains, valleys, and even forests.

The next feature on our must-watch list is Hiroshima Castle, which was restored in 1958. This location, which was first built in 1589, is notable for its legendary grounds and cherry blossom trees. You must have seen a lot of images of it while researching Japan.

Last but not least, there is Miyajima(miya-ji-ma), also referred to as “shrine island,” which has Torii gate, the most recognizable sacred site.

This is one of the nation’s most popular tourist attractions.

According to the narrative, this is the location that isolated mankind from the extraordinary world. It is well known that entering a special area requires passing through the Torii (taw-ree-ee) gate. It appears more like entering the deity’s “kingdom.” Imagine entering through the door and transporting to the ‘home of the gods’.

To show respect, remember to bow when you pass through the gate. Also it will really respectful if you don’t enter the gate from the middle, but maybe through the little left or right. (Some websites also claim that people shouldn’t pass through the gate at all. So make sure to ask the people nearby for more detailed knowledge.)

Last but not least, go to the Children’s Peace memorial to ensure that you honor the kids who died in the attack. A statue of a girl representing a youngster who made 1000 paper cranes in memory of the children can be viewed here.

She was only 11 years old at the time when she started this. The girl adhered to the Japanese custom, which states that if you fold 1000 origami(orr-i-gaa-mee) cranes, your wish would come true. With each step she took, she prayed for world peace. But she passed away due to leukemia before completing the task. However, the remainder of the crane was folded by her classmates, and you can see this in the glass cases surrounding the monument. It’s moving, isn’t it?

5.      Fukuoka(foo-koo-ow-kuh):

Credit: Unsplash

Do you want to visit a place with sprawling cities and beach coastlines? Just a fun fact; this place is actually close to Seoul, Korea as compared with Tokyo.

You might need to spend around 40-68 dollars on average to visit Fukuoka.

Explore Fukuoka(foo-koo-ow-kuh), which is famed for having the biggest seated Buddha in the entire nation. This place will make you put on some weight before you leave the nation because there is excellent Ramen(raa-muhn) accessible around every corner. It will definitely be different that the Kylie Jenner’s version you might have seen on the TikTok.

According to the notification, you must present proof of the COVID-19 vaccine and pass a test right away if you wish to enter this location.

It is divided between the two rivers Hakata and Naka and is one of the biggest countries in all of nature.

Now if you want to visit this place, you have to go there in the July season when the 700-year-old Hakata(ha-ka-ta) Gion(jee-ohn) Yamakasa(yam-a-kasa) event takes place.

From traditional races, people walking in costumes, and musical performances, this place looks like the best dopamine booster every year for two weeks. You will definitely forget all your worries after coming here with its mesmerizing views.

Now, do you want to visits a CANAL CITY?

The place which is basically a “city-within-a-city”, is known for its unique architecture. I think Japan is already living 2040. In fact, those pictures showed in Doremon(dor-e-mon) about Japan from the futures are seems like manifesting already.

Also, you can come here during April to see the Fukuoka (foo-koo-ow-kuh) Castle while the cherry blossoms are at their best.

This location, with its illuminative lights, just doesn’t seem like it belongs on Earth after dusk.

The Sumiyoshi(sumi-yo-shi)-jinja(jin-juh) Shrine, which is devoted to the protective division connected to mariners, is the next stop.

This location, well-known for its Main hall, still maintains its 1623-era classic design. Even the old swords and copper axes housed there are noticeable. Do you know that as per legend this place was made during 3rd century?

The Kyushu(kuoo-shoo) museum, which has been showing off the results of archaeological excavation for almost a century, is the next place you may even go. These artifacts reflect the centuries-old trading relationship that existed between China and Japan. Even the Masanobu (masan-o-bu) Kno(k-np) artwork from the fifteenth century may be found here, meticulously preserved.

When are you starting to plan your vacation now that we have discussed so many regions of Japan that are great to visit? Do you believe we left anything off the list, though? Please remember to let us know about that as well.

Are you satisfied with what you see here? Be sure to check my other posts as well.

NOTE: I am still on my learning path. So if you think I have said something wrong and it needed to be changed, feel free to connect with me. I am eager to learn and grow. Thank you for your time.